Author: PBVM User

Catch up with our Sisters’ and associates’ stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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The Congregational Leadership Team of the Presentation Sisters (Union) share their special Christmas message to our global Presentation Family.  
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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The Congregational Leadership Team of the Presentation Sisters (Union) share their special message to our global Presentation Family to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple on 21 November.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch Up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.  
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Catch Up with Sister’s stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch Up with Our Sisters Around The World    
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Catch up with our Sister Stories from around World    
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world.
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In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day for women and men in consecrated life. This global celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on 2 February. This feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolising Christ who is the light […]
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch up on on our Sister’s stories from around the world.
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Catch up on on our Sister’s stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories around the world.
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories around the world.
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories around the world.
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Nano Nagle Place, Cork has won the Council of Europe Museum prize 2022. Sr Julie Watson, Congregational Leader accompanied the delegation from Nano Nagle Place to Strasbourg to accept this prestigious award. Julie shares her experience here
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories around the world.
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Catch up with our Sisters’ stories from around the world    
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world.    
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world.
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world;  
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Catch up with our Sister’s stories from around the world;                      
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Venerable Nano Nagle wrote many letters in her time, the earliest one on record being written in the year 1769. Sr Assumpta O’Neill gives her explanation of this first letter written by Nano to Eleanor Fitzsimons: On 17 July 1769, Nano sat down to write a letter. The letter is addressed to a Dublin woman […]
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Embracing Life Embracing life as it unfolds, makes sense to me today. Earlier, the word surrender, letting go etc. remained in my head. I had left Dominica, where I have been in ministry with Mary Therese and Lynette, in March 2020 for my home leave, combined with the first death anniversary of my dear mother, […]
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Ministry Reflection – Xavier House Xavier House, previously Xavier Convent, the home of our Sisters who lived and worked in the Corner Brook area, opened its doors to a new ministry in 1985. It is now a supportive home for women and men suffering from complex mental health issues. As the Leadership Report of 2020 […]
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3 July 2021 was a memorable day in the history of Sehore Community as five of our young, vibrant Sisters made their Perpetual Profession on this day at Sehore Chapel, amidst the onslaught of a Covid-19 second wave looming large in the country. Availing of the professional expertise of the CMI Fathers made it possible […]
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5 September – International Day of Charity Charity, like the notions of volunteerism and philanthropy, provides real social bonding and contributes to the creation of inclusive and more resilient societies. Charity can alleviate the worst effects of humanitarian crises, supplement public services in health care, education, housing and child protection. It assists the advancement of […]
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9 August – International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples There are over 476 million indigenous peoples living in 90 countries across the world, accounting for 6.2 per cent of the global population. Indigenous peoples are the holders of a vast diversity of unique cultures, traditions, languages and knowledge systems. They have a special relationship […]
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                          Mary Hassett, a journalist with the Echo Live speaks to Presentation Sister Jo McCarthy about her work with migrants in Cork City. Click here to read the article.  
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Binalbagan Catholic College held its virtual Baccalaureate Mass last June 16, 2021 with the theme, “BCC Graduates, JuSt Solid (Justice, Stewardship, and Solidarity) Amidst the Pandemic”.  With 33 and 237 completers for elementary and junior high school levels respectively and 298 senior high school graduates, BCC once again showed  that it is  ” faithful to […]
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A Haven Within A Haven Some nine months ago, it was determined that the Sisters living at Sacred Heart Convent in Fargo, North Dakota, would relocate. One obvious choice was to return to our former convent which is now a beautiful retirement facility named Riverview Place. Sixteen of us are sprinkled throughout the four wings of the […]
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Fr Stan Swamy was in news ever since 8 October 2020 when he was arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and charge sheeted under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, under which bail can be denied. He was soon sent to Taloja jail in Mumbai where he remained until a few days before his […]
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This summer Nano Nagle Place will launch an exhibition that celebrates the continued use of the site as a convent for 250 years. ‘Changing Habits: 250 Years of Convent Life’ will chart the construction of our oldest building, built in 1771 by Nano Nagle as home for the Ursuline Sisters she had invited to Cork […]
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Sr Stanislaus Kent, pbvm recently celebrated her 100th birthday in Youghal, Co Cork, Ireland. The following article was written by John Walshe and was printed in the East Cork News & Advertiser on 17 June 2021. At midday on Thursday last, as the morning rain ceased and the sky brightened after the partial eclipse of the […]
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11 July – World Population Day The COVID-19 crisis has taken a staggering toll on people, communities and economies everywhere. But not everyone is affected equally. Women, who account for the largest share of front-line health workers, for example, are disproportionately exposed to the coronavirus. Supply chains around the world are being disrupted, impacting the […]
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Four Novices in India have prepared the following Canticle following their zoom sessions with Sisters Terry Abraham and Brigit Mathew, pbvm as part of the Inter-Unit Virtual Novitiate.                                                       […]
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The 2020 year of ministry in the Parish Community of Our Lady of Fatima, Piccadilly, NL Canada, is mostly an account of our ministry in the midst of the worldwide Covid-19 Pandemic as we continued to make efforts to be present to our parishioners during this disconcerting and difficult period. Our first Pandemic lockdown came […]
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The Nano Nagle Pre-School in Spišské Podhradie, located in the East of Slovakia, was founded in 2004. Roma children attend this Pre-School, which is  run by the Municipal authority of Spišské Podhradie. It has been supported since its beginnings by the Presentation Sisters. From 2004 – 2013 Sr Louise Eustace (North East Province, Ireland) was […]
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As God’s precious creatures, we have to take our part to honour and care for our common home. This endeavour has been a main concern for years by Binalbagan Catholic College (BCC). Bur nature is still deteriorating. It has reached an alarming level. So, Pope Francis issued an encyclical, Laudato Si’ six years ago that […]
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Nano Nagle Place, Cork was alive with history on 9 May 2021 as the Ursuline Sisters celebrated the 250th anniversary of their arrival to Cork. This was the place where Nano Nagle first welcomed them in 1771 as they came to help her continue her Education Plan to provide Irish children with a better way […]
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3 May – World Press Freedom Day This year’s World Press Freedom Day theme “Information as a Public Good” serves as a call to affirm the importance of cherishing information as a public good, and exploring what can be done in the production, distribution and reception of content to strengthen journalism, and to advance transparency […]
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The following article, by Jake Whitman, Cynthia McFadden and Rich Schapiro highlights the very real and often dangerous work religious Sisters around the world do to fight against child trafficking. This article was issued on NBC news on 4 April 2021. Guwahati, India – Sister Rose Paite stepped inside this sprawling city’s main train station […]
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Life offers us a myriad of experiences of joy and uncertainties too. Today, as I reflect back I recall how in January the temperature started dropping and the entire place was covered with snow and the chill was too hard to bear. It was the harshest winter the valley had experienced in three decades. We […]
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The journey from birth to death is learning through life’s events, relationships, struggles, successes and sensitivity. As a woman engaged with women from all walks of life, I have been blessed to relate with ease with women as a whole. Some of my great learnings have come from those on the periphery who have been […]
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Sr Anita Mansingh is part of the Newfoundland & Labrador Unit and shares this Pandemic inspired reflection…                                         Submitted by: Sr Anita Mansingh, pbvm
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A Moment of Contemplation for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations… “It is the joy of simplicity, the joy experienced daily by those who care for what truly matters: faithful closeness to God and to our neighbour. How good it would be if the same atmosphere, simple and radiant, sober and hopeful were to […]
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Alexa Vellanoweth is an alumni of St Bonaventure Catholic School located in Huntington Beach, CA and was taught by the Presentation Sisters. In 2017, Alexa and her mother were dropping some clothes off at Saint Bonaventure School when she saw a woman walking on the blacktop. She realized that it was Sister Winifred Harnett, her […]
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The Congregational Leadership Team have prepared a special Easter message they would like to share with the Presentation Family worldwide.   To view the message, please click here   Wishing you all a very blessed Easter Season! Sisters Julie, Sharon, Anne, Aurea and Neneth Congregational Leadership Team  
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The Friends of Nano have arranged a Pilgrimage of Gratitude and Hope – a virtual walk from Nano Nagle Birthplace, Ballygriffin, Co Cork, Ireland to the burial place of Nano at Nano Nagle Place, Douglas Street, Cork from 19 – 26 April 2021. The journey is 35km long and they will undertake to walk 5km each […]
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4 April – International Mine Awareness Day Last year, the United Nations mine action community stepped-up to the challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sector continued to deliver results, fulfilling obligations, surveying, clearing, training, and eradicating the threat of landmines and explosive ordnance. The United Nations system advanced its work to mitigate the threat […]
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A February Reflection The Warmth of Love Amidst Winter’s Teasing Love that cannot contain itself keeps birthing itself anew …   In the beginning was the WORD And the WORD was LOVE … Timeless Love, all embracing Love … Thirteen billion years ago … Two thousand years ago … Could Love be all there was? […]
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The Sisters, their lay Associates, friends and co-workers have had a very subdued celebration of the 61stFoundation Day of the Presentation Sisters in the Philippines on 19 February 2021. The day was the Friday after Ash Wednesday and so the liturgy resounded with the hymn “Come Back to me With all Your Heart” and with […]
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Sr Gertrude Howley, pbvm shared the below poem with her Friends of Nano Meditation group recently at an online retreat. The group became aware from listening to the poem and from sharing that Covid is teaching us… To accept what is             To live simply           […]
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Two Presentation Sisters in Taita, New Zealand share their stories of the celebrations of 70 years of Presentation Presence in New Zealand. At a special Mass in honour of the occasion, Cardinal John dew described the purpose of the Presentation Sisters was and still is to help guide others home to God. They brought hope, and […]
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Sr Claude Meagher, pbvm sadly passed away at Presentation Convent, Hospital on 23 February 2021. Sr Claude is remembered as being one of a kind and is remembered with great respect, appreciation and fondness for her lifetime of service to all those with whom she came in contact. Like a gentle breeze blowing in the […]
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1 March – World Day of Zero Discrimination On Zero Discrimination Day this year (download brochure), UNAIDS is highlighting the urgent need to take action to end the inequalities surrounding income, sex, age, health status, occupation, disability, sexual orientation, drug use, gender identity, race, class, ethnicity and religion that continue to persist around the world. […]
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There is some greatness in each of us but sometimes it cannot fully emerge unless we are tried and tested by adversity.  Covid-19, the unprecedented adversity, posed many challenges and transformed them into opportunities in school life. Caught unawares, just before the declaration of the final examination results for all classes for the academic session […]
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Year 2020 was about to end when the lay associates in Negros of the PBVM Philippine Unit came together for a recollection. The theme was ‘Christmas in this time of the Pandemic’. We shared our experiences in this time of the Pandemic and how we were affected. Our strong awareness of the pandemic started in […]
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I would like to offer a personal reflection on my experience of hearing the whisper of my own “yes” as I stepped onto a path that was certainly not a part of my “plan”. I cannot even pinpoint the moment of how it came to be, that I would be working with the Presentation Sisters […]
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In 2017 Sr Marcela Cruz was asked to become Executive Director of Fundacion Tierra Nueva. This was for five years duration – the work of which is transforming lives in the South of Quito. Marcela writes… On my second visit to the Centre, I was very impressed by the leadership team and the results they […]
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Do You Want to Fast this Lent? In the words of Pope Francis: Fast from hurting words and say kind words Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude Fast from anger and be filled with patience Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope Fast from worries and have trust in God Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity Fast from pressures […]
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In celebration of St Brigid’s Day yesterday, 1 February, the Irish Ambassador to the Holy See hosted a webinar “Women of Strength and Faith”. Among the four speakers, Presentation Sister, Anne Lyons who is the Congregational Postulator for the cause of Venerable Nano Nagle, gave a wonderful overview of Nano’s life. You can view this most […]
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1 February – Feast Day of St Brigid We celebrate the Feast Day of St Brigid on 1 February, which also marks the beginning of Spring. St Brigid was born in 450AD in Faughart, Co Louth, Ireland. She lived during the time of St Patrick and was inspired by his preachings and became a Christian. […]
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Nano of Watts This portrait of Nano of Watts was painted by Erandi Raygoza, a 19 year old, first generation college student in our neighbourhood. It was a Christmas gift to us on Christmas Eve, our Congregational foundation day. It felt like a personal visit from Nano to us with words of courage and hope. Erandi presented […]
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Nano Nagle Birthplace is offering two new programs: Pondering on life, based on Jan Richardson’s writings on Sanctuary, invites us to imagine what Sanctuary might mean for us. Generally, it implies a time to rest, to ponder and to dream as we contemplate where we are in the unfolding path of our lives during this pandemic, and how […]
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We are in the eighth month of lockdown at Colachel (South India) and have begun our mission again towards Maternal and Child Care. As a community, we addressed various needs of the people through Sustainable Development Goal number 3: Good Health and Well-Being. Recognizing the interdependence of health and development, we provide an ambitious, comprehensive plan of […]
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Did anyone ever imagine at the beginning of 2020 A virus will turn the world upside down An invisible enemy would invade nations without weapons Destroy systems that intelligent humans built over centuries. Did anyone ever imagine at the beginning of 2020 The Wuhan virus would travel across seven seas Reach the shores of every […]
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A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated or being perfect. It’s about being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others in a selfless manner. This is very much true of our Founder, Venerable Nano Nagle; whose exemplary life is an inspiration for all […]
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You take from us the mounds of darkness we bury inside of us and make from them a night of stars where we can see your Son.  (Presentation Day Novena 2020)   These words sum up the journey of sixty years that I recently celebrated in Nagoa, my home village. My two community companions, Sisters […]
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‘FINDING NANO – The Life and Legacy of Nano Nagle’, produced by Ruth Hayes. Ruth is a producer and director of audio documentary and drama as well as a performer. Her previous radio productions include ‘In Your Faith’, the story of faith in today’s young people in Ireland; ‘OC and ME’ the stories of women […]
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The Congregational Leadership Team of the Presentation Sisters (Union) extend warm greetings to all Presentation Sisters, Friends of Nano, Associates and Co-Workers all over the world.  May the true spirit of Christmas shine in your heart and light your path.  To view the special message prepared by the Congregational Leadership Team, please click here   […]
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4 January – World Braille Day World Braille Day, celebrated since 2019, is observed to raise awareness of the importance of Braille as a means of communication in the full realization of the human rights for blind and partially sighted people. Braille is a tactile representation of alphabetic and numerical symbols using six dots to […]
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The images of thousands of migrant labourers with families returning to their native villages during the lockdown are still fresh in our memories. They walked thousands of kilometres in the scorching Summer heat to reach their destination. There were pregnant women too among these, some of them in their ninth month of pregnancy. It was […]
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New Community at Nano Nagle Place, Cork, Ireland Recently Sister Sheila Reen from the US Unit moved to Ireland to join Nano Nagle Place where Sister Mary Kealy, also from the US Unit already ministers. Sister Sheila writes: A new community has been formed at Nano Nagle Place but Covid-19 has curtailed activities and cut […]
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Tom, a member of the Friends of Nano Meditation Group, Dungarvan shared the following experience… I was walking the Cunnigar about 5.30pm yesterday evening. Everything was dead still…the dog could not see her paw in front of her in the fog. The only sound was my footprints on the crushed shells and my mind went […]
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It was with great sadness and a huge sense of loss that the news of the untimely death of Sr Anne Coffey reached us. With St Paul who exhorts us to “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God.”, we fondly remember Anne knowing that as believers we are the “ones […]
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1 December – World AIDS Day Health is a human right. Health must be a top investment priority to achieve universal health coverage. On this World AIDS Day let us recognize that, to overcome COVID-19 and end AIDS, the world must stand in solidarity and share responsibility.  – UN Secretary General, António Guterres Every year, […]
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It was in the Summer of 1988 that I was assigned to the Community in Youghal, as a member and leader, anxious yet joyful at the prospect of experiencing the Presentation Way of Life in a beautiful seaside location. Youghal is the final residential ‘STOP’ in County Cork; it is on the edge of the […]
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On 14 November ‘Joti Prub’ was celebrated in Tando Allahyar parish. What is special about this celebration? Let us start by the meaning of these words. Joti or jot means feast in Kutchi Kohli language. Thus, ‘Joti Prub’ is for us, Kutchi Kohli Christians, the feast of light. On this special day, the celebration began with a gathering […]
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During these days of lockdown, as I continued to reflect on my life the following experience prompted me to put down my reflections. I always sat in my room looking outside through the window for meditation. The sky, trees, flowers and fruits attracted me so much. One fine day I noticed that the jack fruit […]
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During the lockdown our Sisters were confined to the house for the most part of six months. Sr Ishrat organised weekly zoom classes with Sr Anna Sheehy for the temporary professed Sisters. It was a very successful venture. The idea of a book club emerged for Sr Anne O’Leary while she was leading an online […]
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Ciao to the Presentation Family worldwide from Rome, Italy! When I was appointed to the ministry of being the Postulator for our Congregation, I felt that I wanted to have communication with the members of the Congregation, I felt that I wanted to have communication with the members of the Congregation as a priority to […]
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As we celebrate Presentation Day on 21 November, we send warmest greetings to all of our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Associates and co-workers and all who form part of the Presentation Family worldwide. The Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple reminds us that at a young age she was taken from […]
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Our eyes search to see as you saw. Our hearts yearn to know as you knew… Be light for our darkness. Be dawn for our new day. ∼ Raphael Consedine, pbvm: Presentation – Mary of the Dawn This is what was bequeathed us: This earth the beloved left And, leaving, Left to us.   No other […]
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And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1   To Our Lady Mother of all that is good, of the light that is always touching the world blessing all things, the efficient system of each leaf, the dark impasses of the lines of my […]
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