Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

April 26, 2021 |

Life offers us a myriad of experiences of joy and uncertainties too. Today, as I reflect back I recall how in January the temperature started dropping and the entire place was covered with snow and the chill was too hard to bear. It was the harshest winter the valley had experienced in three decades. We had to put up with a lot of inconveniences to the extent that we had no drinking water and had to attend to breakages which added to our misery. The month of March brought along with it a ray of hope; the brother sun started peeping through, though its warmth was not warm enough to escape from the piercing cold. The trees were bare and had no beauty of their own yet looking beyond to the magnificent snow-clad mountains was fascinating.

The onset of April, with the slight rise in temperature, we geared towards farm activities, getting the earth ready to plant the seedlings. Gradually the whole valley started coming alive, with velvety green grass starting to make its presence felt. It was indeed a feast to the eyes.

Due to the pandemic we had to continue with online classes. We were all glued to gadgets, observing classes and guiding the teachers and monitoring the students. We experienced uncertainties at all levels due to Covid-19; there were no guidelines from the Government about reopening the school; the school fees had to be finalised, all this and the extreme weather conditions added to our woes. In the midst of our challenges the green light from the Government to reopen the school brought about a new zest for life. Our happiness knew no bounds as we knew having teachers and students back would enliven our spirits. All four of us started gearing towards the opening of the school. With the Covid-19 situation we had to equip our school as per the protocol e.g. sanitizing the classrooms and campus to make it safe and comfortable for all those who enter the campus. The future seemed gloomy but together we trusted, and we saw unbelievable results.

This is a season of Lent, time to visit the inner recesses of our lives and prepare ourselves for the Resurrection of our Lord. The daily events and challenges of life invite us to believe that in dying we can rise to new life. Hope in life never fails us. The compound is buzzing with life again. The sweet smiles energise us, there are pleasantries exchanged among friends which fill us with hope. Nature too is coming alive as there are green shoots peeping out, reminding us that every cloud has a silver lining.

Submitted by: Sr Molly Joseph, pbvm (taken from North India Province Newsletter March 2021)


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