
The role of the Congregational Coordinating Team for Justice is to support and strengthen the Union Justice Network within and between Units/Mission areas to ensure effective engagement in International Presentation Association (IPA) processes toward achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to advocate in various local and national forums for the implementation of the SDGs. The current Congregational Coordinating Team for Justice (CCT-J), 2021-2025 are Sr Rupa Charles Lourdhusamy in Latin America, Sr Annatollia Muzata in Zimbabwe, Sr Maureen O’Connell in Ireland and Mr Brian O’Toole, Presentation Justice Desk for Ireland and England. As a team they communicate via Zoom sessions, email and WhatsApp and they facilitate Zoom meetings with the Union Justice Network once in two/three months to further the life and mission of the Congregation in the area of justice at local/national/ regional/ international levels. During these Zoom calls they try to use processes which promote a contemplative stance and they encourage the members of the Union Justice Network to engage in their Units with the International Friends of Nano Movement in the area of justice.

Reports and updates are shared from Units on how they are engaging with the promotion of the SDGs and how they collaborate with Friends of Nano and these are also shared with the wider congregation via E-News.

The Presentation Justice Desk, working out of Marino Institute of Education in Dublin is a collaborative mission in Justice that involves the English, Ireland:North East and Ireland: South West Presentation Units.

Brian O’ Toole, as Director is charged with holding in focus our International Presentation Association (IPA) Commitments for the Justice Commissions and Presentation People in each Unit. The Desk began in 2019 and collaboratively they have shared on particular UN Days of international significance. The Director remains at the service of the Justice Commissions and has attended both Province and Justice Days in all Units offering input on the SDGs at home and abroad. There has also been input on Lobbying and Advocacy and Laudato Si.

One key element is to share and learn from the work and experience of Presentation People in their own Provinces and to represent the three Provinces at events / meetings that will further our mission and journey in justice.

Brian O ‘Toole is also the IPA Justice Contact for Ireland and England and maintains a line of communication to our IPA UN Representative. This role is encouraged and enlivened through the meeting and sharing with other Justice Contacts in the Union as a member of the Congregational Coordinating Team for Justice (CCT – J).

You can keep up to date with the work of the Justice Desk through their monthly updates here