“If I could be of any service in saving souls in any part of the globe, I would willingly do all in my power.” Nano Nagle
How evident was that desire in the Sisters in Tuam, Thurles and Kerry when they responded so willingly to the invitation of Bishop McKeefrey (Wellington) and Bishop Kavanagh (Dunedin) to come to New Zealand to establish Catholic schools in the two Dioceses.
The first group of Sisters from Ireland arrived in Taita in 1951 and moved outwards from there with a further group of Sisters arriving in Paraparaumu in 1954. Following Union in 1976, the Sisters came together to form the New Zealand Unit.
To read more about Presentation Sisters and the ministries they are involved in read more below or visit their website here.
Ministries, Justice Contact for Aotearoa New Zealand Unit,
Secretary to Trust Board,
Chair of Wellington Archdiocesan Commission for Ecology Justice and Peace,
Te Kōmihana Whakatairanga Mātai Hauropi, Tika me te Rangimārie:
Voluntary Literacy Tutor for individual pupils who have English as a Second Language.
Srs Ruth and Frances lead the Sacramental programme for Taita Community, Frances works with the Adults and Ruth with the children.
Support Parish Activities especially Youth programmes and are given support by the Youth .
Voluntary Reading Tutors at St Michael’s School, Taita