Partners in Mission

The Friends of Nano Movement is a worldwide community of lay women and men who share a ‘passion for the poorest’, live in ‘partnership with the Divine’ and make a ‘covenant with creation’. The Movement shares a common vision and charism with the Presentation Congregation and aims to collaborate with it in finding creative ways to further its mission.

It is a community of compassionate, contemplative service. A community that welcomes people of various cultures and faith traditions who are inspired by the spirit of Nano Nagle and who are drawn in their own lives to work towards creating a more just and sustainable world. Friends of Nano are ordinary women and men who strive to ensure that her heart beats on in them today. (Guidelines P.3) The Friends of Nano Movement is an evolving movement. Nano Nagle was a lay woman with a vision and passion for the poorest of society and a desire for a more compassionate world. She was joined by other lay companions who shared in her vision and worked tirelessly with her for more than twenty years before she founded the Presentation Congregation.

In 1989 the Congregational Leadership Team called the Sisters to collaboration with laity in our mission. Later Gatherings of the Congregation echoed this message encouraging the involvement of lay people as equal partners in initiatives for justice. Over subsequent years, in several countries and provinces, Associate Groups were formed. In 2009, the 225th anniversary of Nano’s death, the Congregational Leadership Team reflected on what it means to be associated with the Congregation. They wished to encourage the development of a framework linking Friends of Nano across the globe, a network that could enable all who are inspired by the charism of Nano to strengthen and expand their experience of being in communion.

Mary-Ann Greaney (Friends of Nano New Zealand) has re-launched Nano’s Echo – the newsletter of the Friends of Nano, the focus of which is for the Friends of Nano to share their stories.

You can access the July 2021 issue of Nano’s Echo here.  The Spanish version is available here.

You can access the December 2021 issue of Nano’s Echo here 

You can access the March 2022 issue of Nano’s Echo here

You can access the June 2022 issue of Nano’s Echo here

You can access the September 2022 issue Nano’s Echo here. The Spanish version is available here

You can access the December 2022 issue of Nano’s Echo here

You can access the March 2023 issue of Nano’s Echo here 

You can access the June 2023 issue of Nano’s Echo here

You can access the September 2023 issue of Nano’s Echo here

You can access the December 2023 issue of Nano’s Echo here

You can access the March 2024 issue of Nano’s Echo here

You can access the June 2024 issue of Nano’s Echo here